단체명 | Onthroughin | 대표자 성명 | 최양원 |
장르 | 미술 | 대표번호 | 010.3636.8230 |
홈페이지 | www.clickscrollzoom.com | SNS / BLOG | |
단체소개 | Onthroughin은 코로나19 상황에 적합한 전시를 기획하기 위해 2020년 홍익대학교 미술대학 예술학과 18인이 모여 결성한 큐레이터 콜렉티브이다. Onthroughin이라는 콜렉티브명은 < * 홈페이지 6월 30일 오픈예정 Onthroughin is a curatorial collective comprised of 18 students at Hongik University’s Department of Art Theory and Criticism. It was formed in 2020 with the aim to create an exhibition befitting the Coronavirus situation. The name- On-Through-In- is composed of three prepositions, each following a verb in the exhibition title (www.clickscrollzoom.com.) Just as a preposition connects a sentence’s elements, the collective functions as a link between viewers and exhibits, and between physical pieces of art and web venues. Onthroughin gladly presents this web exhibition arranged by individual teams of 1 to 3 curators, in collaboration with 29 artists including web designers and photographers. |
주요 연혁 |